Friday 20 November 2009

3 Tacos, 2 Horchatas, and 5 Quesatortas later...

My time in Mexico is about to expire. It has been an amazing time and it is hard to believe how fast it has gone.

So the big question going around is: "what are you going to do next?!"


December 17th I'll go back East to spend Christmas with my family in Washington DC. I'll be there until January 12th

Then what?....... ENGLAND!!!!!!!

After much prayer and supplication, God has impressed upon my heart to go back to England for five weeks as the next step.

If you know me at all you know I want to move there for a long-er term but it seems like that won't happen right away. I must wait a bit longer. As of right now, the plan is to travel around England getting in touch with different people and involved with different ministries to see if God opens any doors.

Two things are for certain: 1. I am called to teach/preach the truth 2. I can't get England out of my mind/heart

Prayer Request:

-Open doors and favor before ministry leaders.

-Divine appointments with people in the streets

-Great time seeing friends again

-I want to minister, minister, minister so pray for God's Holy Spirit to give me the power to do so.

-And for God to give me the financial resources for all expenses (which is mainly train/bus tickets and food money)

Thank you so much for your love and support! The work of the ministry is great and I am so glad to labor by your side- encouraging and praying for one another.

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