Thursday 20 September 2012


How BIG is your God?

A couple of months ago I received a letter, the content of it has impacted me so much I've decided to blog about it.

The letter was from AIM, and it described all the wonderful work the Lord has been doing through this ministry.  All the women and children that have been helped and restored and successfully reintegrated.  It was a joy to read but that is not what impacted me the most.  You see, it's been 9 months since I wrote the post: "Leave a Message at the BEEP..."  Since then I've been praying, "God, do something amongst the bad guys."

It hasn't been a very bold prayer, it has been more of a whining... and it hasn't always been at the forefront of my mind either but whenever I would think about it, from somewhere deep inside my heart a cry/whimper/groan would go out to Him. "Father, bring Your light".  I would ask this weakly, not really knowing what to expect.  I was a little bit more bold than before (I mean, after all, how can I be unfazed after what He did in January) but still weak, doubt remained.  Yet in our doubt God is faithful. Again I have been humbled in His sight.  I got this letter and when I read that a particular area of their ministry had been reaching pimps, traffickers, and drug dealers; my heart started to race. "Last quarter 81 young men were reached"... and on went the letter with the praise reports of this men... I was floored.

Why is it again that we think there are certain prayers that can't be prayed? Is God not big enough to handle them? Do we think that He not cares? Do we think He wants to put up with certain evils in the world?  Or is He expectantly waiting to bring His children into His work through prayer?

This letter has so convicted me that there really isn't anything too big/broad for my God to handle.  Has God made you aware of a BIG need? Ask Him to fulfill it, He wants to!!! Ask! Ask so that you might know Him better.  Ask so that you get a taste of Him and His majesty as He come and tangibly intervenes.  Ask Him so that you partake with Him (that's what we call communion guys!).  Ask Him so that your joy may be full (John16:24).

He wants to bring you closer.  He wants to speak to you.  He wants to show you His secret counsel (Prov 3:32).  So ask! Don't be afraid.  Draw near to Him today.

Let's go boldly before the throne of our High Priest and ask boldly for big, miraculous, substantial interventions.  He wants to do it.


  1. Hi Amaris :)
    We don't know each other (yet). I came across your missionary story on First Giving's website where your support page was posted. I was doing my own research into missionary fundraising sites. I read up on the process God took you through to call you as a missionary, and then to your current trip to Southampton England. Then I ended up here on your blog and was so blessed by several of your posts!
    I'm on a short term (6 month) mission trip to Calvary Chapel Lakeside in Kenya, but whilst here I received the calling to minister to the youth (11-19) in the UK through eventually starting an arts-based afterschool youth centre to enable outreach and Christian mentorship. On top of that, God called me to apply for a degree in youth work at Moorlands Bible College - funny enough not too far from Southampton! To sum it up - being called as a long term missionary seems so big (read scary), so unfundable (I guess I hate to impose upon my friends again for support, and on top of that for school fees), and uncertain. I know, right? How did a scardy-cat like me get called to be a missionary? ha! Goes to say God likes to use the weak in the world to confound the wise. He likes to show Himself faithful and beyond out wildest imaginations. Plus, I have such a heart for youth to know Christ and find out their unique identity and voice in Him. "All things were created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together." Colossians 1.
    All that to say, I wondered if we could be in contact? Your step of faith and courage to go is a great encouragement to me. I am just at the inception stage of this whole journey. In a month, I will be visiting London for one week on my way home to California from Kenya. There I will be meeting with my old pastor, Antonye Holyde at Shoreline Calvary Chapel North London, part of a church plant team we sent out 3 years from our Calvary Chapel church back home. Maybe you've met the team in England? Anyways, I'll be chatting with him about my youth ministry burden and see if they also feel led by the Lord to have me join their team. I'd love prayer for all that, especially my parents reaction to all this. They aren't yet Christian and are definitely uncomfortable with the long-term missionary lifestyle.

    Every blessing in Christ to you!

    1. Hello Shruti :)
      Nice to meet you. I am so sorry for my late reply. This comment somehow escaped my attention. So excited for you. Please send me your email so we can keep in touch :)

      We'll be praying for you :)

