Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Let's do it right

I originally intended for this to be a longer post, but in the end I decided it would deter from the simplicity of the truth I want to share.

I was talking to a friend a couple of months ago about ministry, discipleship, God's purpose for His children, etc. and he said something I thought it was worth sharing with the world. The context of this particular quote is discipleship, but honestly it is true across the board, for ministry, friendship, and life in general. When I asked him what God had been speaking to him he said:

"stop using people to serve your vision, SERVE THEM."  


Can I get an amen?

Let's be shepherds and not hirelings.

Love sacrificially and unconditionally.

Friday, 18 September 2015


The only thing the Bible asks us to be temperate about is our flesh; our love for Jesus and our life are supposed to be a blazing fire.

Just some thoughts from my morning devo today...