Saturday, 24 August 2013

Right now

Its been so long I wonder if I still know how to do this... LOL. Mostly I want to let you know right here and right now, that I am alive and well, His spirit is within me :)

As I mentioned before I went on a mission trip to NY, and since then I also went on another mission trip in March to Utila, Honduras.  The trip to Utila was to come alongside a new church plant, to love, encourage and help the pastor there in different ways.

It amazes me how much God knows my heart.  He knows how much we can bare, He know what we need so we are well nourished and thrive.  Going on these mission trips was a blessing because it was awesome to see, in a practical way, that His calling and election are irrevocable.  It was such a great comfort that what I do in these mission trips can be done wherever I'm at.  What I mean is, it is not about going places, it is about ministering to people; it is about listening to God's heart and obeying His command.  If God says go somewhere, then you better go.  If He says speak to so and so on such and such, then you better do it.  Why should we do it? Because otherwise we would be denying ourselves the joy of having a relationship with Him.  If we ignore Him and harden our hearts towards Him... If we train ourselves to make our ears deaf to Him and get use to drowning His voice out, then how come we later complain that we feel like we have no life in us? We have cut ourselves off from the Vine and are then grieved or surprised at our lack of fruit.  What can possibly be the antidote for this?  "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." (1 Thess 5:16-18)

And so that is where I'm at, trusting in hope, patient in tribulation, rejoicing in the majesty of Him who is called Faithful and True.