Thursday, 19 September 2013

Long Time Coming...

Hello World!!

That's right, I'm back! So I'll skip the ceremoniousness and get to it :)

I started reading Judges today.  I came across a thought provoking passage:

"When all that generation, had been gathered to their fathers, another generation 
arose after them who did not know the LORD nor the work which He had done 
for Israel.  Then the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD, and 
served Baals..." (Jdg 2)

All the people that had come out of Egypt by the hand of the LORD were dead.  All the people that had gone through the wilderness, seen God's mighty works, and been brought into the promise land were dead.  And it says that the next generation did not know the LORD nor the work which He had done....

I found that amazing in a very sad way.  How could they possibly not know?! There is only one answer: People weren't talking about it.  Not only that, it must also mean that they had stopped doing some of the rituals and ceremonies God had commanded them.  How do I know that? Because in the book of Joshua it says several times: "do this and that, so that when your children ask about such and such, they may know that I [God] worked in such and such a way..."

It dawn on me, the children of Israel grew apathetic to the wonders of God, His deliverance, His care for them.  I wondered how could this come about.  Then I remember the verses before it, it is God talking to the generation that went through the wilderness and into the Promise Land: "But you have not obeyed My voice..." (vs 2)  They had become disobedient.  When God confronts them, it says that they lifted up their voices and wept, but it speaks nothing of repentance, it mentions nothing of turning back and doing what they were supposed to.  Their weeping did not go beyond the sting of being reprimanded.  Disobedience will do that to you.  It will make your heart grow cold and distant from God.

Is there compromise in our lives today? Are we doing things that do not please the LORD? Have we forgotten the marvelous works and great mercy that He has shown towards us?  Then make it a point to remember.  Talk about it! Call to mind the sweetness of your Savior.  If there is something to repent about, repent.  

Do it for yourself, to drink from the living water; do it for the next generation, that they may know the living God and walk in His ways.  In a world that is growing darker by the second don't let your light be dimmed out by compromise but sing forth His praise.

Until next time ;)
Yours truly

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Right now

Its been so long I wonder if I still know how to do this... LOL. Mostly I want to let you know right here and right now, that I am alive and well, His spirit is within me :)

As I mentioned before I went on a mission trip to NY, and since then I also went on another mission trip in March to Utila, Honduras.  The trip to Utila was to come alongside a new church plant, to love, encourage and help the pastor there in different ways.

It amazes me how much God knows my heart.  He knows how much we can bare, He know what we need so we are well nourished and thrive.  Going on these mission trips was a blessing because it was awesome to see, in a practical way, that His calling and election are irrevocable.  It was such a great comfort that what I do in these mission trips can be done wherever I'm at.  What I mean is, it is not about going places, it is about ministering to people; it is about listening to God's heart and obeying His command.  If God says go somewhere, then you better go.  If He says speak to so and so on such and such, then you better do it.  Why should we do it? Because otherwise we would be denying ourselves the joy of having a relationship with Him.  If we ignore Him and harden our hearts towards Him... If we train ourselves to make our ears deaf to Him and get use to drowning His voice out, then how come we later complain that we feel like we have no life in us? We have cut ourselves off from the Vine and are then grieved or surprised at our lack of fruit.  What can possibly be the antidote for this?  "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." (1 Thess 5:16-18)

And so that is where I'm at, trusting in hope, patient in tribulation, rejoicing in the majesty of Him who is called Faithful and True.

Monday, 25 February 2013

New York

Please forgive me, I have gone on a mission trip and forgot to tell you all about it.  In my defense it all came about in less than two weeks so between preparations to get ready and setting things in order I didn't have a chance to let y'all know.

I went to Rockaway, NY, on a disaster relief trip to help the victims of super-storm Sandy.  We left January 28th and came back a week later.  It was amazing!!  God willing, I'll soon have more time to tell you all about it.  For now, know that God is good, awesome, He answers prayer and moves in mysterious ways.... He is all knowing and worthy of all our praises!

Thank you so much for your prayers and support.  God is using you big time :)

God bless you!!!!!!

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Holy Musing

In the car, on my way home from church, musing on God's love, His goodness & holiness, I thought: "LORD, that my heart could somehow reach out to the heaven of heavens and touch You... that I could somehow hold all of who You are... or at least part..."  Immediately He responded (bringing conviction & a little humor): "Too late (beat you to it) :) Don't be deceived, I already came down, reached out and touched yours."

With these words, the conviction and realization anew of how He "dirtied" Himself as He came down to this earth, settled in my heart again.  What a Saviour!  He didn't wait for me to get my stuff together and make me come up to Him. He did the dirty work and came down to me.  His name be magnified!!