Change is hard... I don't care who you are or what you do, change does not come easy. One may have a good disposition about change but that does not mean it doesn't take effort and strength from one's part. Yes, even if it is for the better.
Recently I've had to expand the size of the flower garden outside my bedroom window. The flowers were so huge they were starting to wither due to lack of space. I've known of this need for quite some time but I just didn't feel up for the challenge. I knew they needed it; I knew it would look beautiful once it was finished and I would be happy, but I just didn't want to. The thought of being out there in the garden, hot, sweaty, cover in dirt and trying to figure out where to put all of the plants by myself was not enticing in the least.... even though I knew how much more fun it would be to look outside my window and see so many flowers.
I realized in this procrastination period that I was resisting change. I liked my garden the way it was: small, quaint... why did these plants had to grow?! Things were fine the way the were, if it got any larger that meant I would have to dedicate more time to it, I would have more responsibility (lol! it sounds like I take gardening super seriously).... why? why? why? It was a blessing from the Lord but I just felt like I couldn't handle it.... so I continued to drag my feet.
I was away for some weeks this summer and when I got back.... YIKES!!!! The garden was a disaster. I mean I didn't know where to look, everything looked so sad- something had to be done, there wasn't room for procrastination. I thought to my self: "Oh God, help! I don't want to do it." That, of course, was an unconscious prayer. Thankfully He listens even when we forget He does. Before I could spring into action my mom saw the dire state of the garden and we went to work that weekend.
We moved and replanted 21 plants!! It took two days. While I worked I became aware of my attitude and demeanor. I was happy, I was working well, I had tons of energy and vision. I wonder what had change; why was I so chirpy all of the sudden about this expansion, this change? I looked at my mom and it was obvious.... it's true: "two are better than one".
Change doesn't seem so daunting when there is someone by your side. You feel stronger, more secure and confident. God made us to live in community. It is not a sign of weakness. It is our design to do things with other people. No wonder Jesus sent His disciples out two by two! I know God sometimes asks us to do things on our own (believe me I do! Jeremiah and Ezekiel do too) but is not the norm, it is the exception.
Now, there is a great and beautiful truth that we should never forget: we are never alone because we have a God that promised not to leave us nor forsake us. But I don't want us to use that as an excuse to walk as lone rangers. Today I want to exhort you to make friends and be friendly (Prov 18:24), to seek out those kind hearts and kindred spirits God has placed in your path.
The same God that said "I am with you always...", also said "two are better than one..."