Some of you will say: "Well no, of course not! He KNOWS it alright. I've told Him a billion times. What I am not so sure of is whether or not He wants to do anything about it!"
For you skeptics out there here is a story about God's.... I'm gonna go ahead and call it---------> Awesomeness.
So I had a birthday recently (tangent: Hooray for chocolate cake!) and my mom asked me a few days before what I wanted to do. I told her I wanted to work in the garden. You see, we've been working on our backyard for a while now and it is almost finished. But my secret plan (aka the desire of my heart) was this: Once we got going on the garden I would 'sneakily' be like: "Well what would you know! Since we are here cover in dirt and have all this flowers, why don't we do a little garden in front of my bedroom window?..."
I've been really wanting a flower garden outside my bedroom window for a while but I hadn't told anyone.
The day of my birthday came, my mom woke me up with the best breakfast in bed ever and peach colored roses. After she told me to have a look outside my bedroom window. Lo and behold, I had a garden!!! She'd made me a garden while I was sleeping! :) (Yes! I have the best mom in the world. And NO, you can't have her).
So there you have it folks. God knows the desires of your heart and He delights in showering you with His blessings (Psalm 68:19).
"He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing."
~Zep 3:17