It was 8am on Saturday morning and I had just been inform I'd missed my flight for the second time... I had forgotten how stressful it was to fly close to the holidays. Everything that could have gone wrong went wrong, it was ridiculous all the little details that had happened to keep my from boarding 1. my 6:20am flight and 2. my 8am flight... seriously felt like a supernatural force keeping me from boarding those planes. I wasn't as frustrated as I would have expected to be. All I kept thinking was: "Are you serious God? What is going on?!"
I got on Skype to ask ppl to pray, I didn't even know if I would ever see my checked-in luggage again (yeap that was one of the things that went wrong- unsure if it had been checked-in properly)... I found a friend online and I told him about my day so far... the bottom line of the conversation was: "Maybe God wants you to meet someone"... He must be a prophet ;)
"Surely you shall call a people you do not know, and peoples who do not know you shall run to you, because of the Lord your God, and the Holy one of Israel; for has glorified you." Isaiah 55:5
The name of my divine appointment is Kelsey*. She was standing by the front desk when they called my name to give me a sit on what was my third attempt to board a plane that day. Yeap it looked like I was finally going back west. Group number 5, Seat 11b. "Excuse me", I said, "are they boarding group 5 yet?" "No", came her reply, and I notice she was also in group 5. I went away to sit down only to notice she had followed me and was now sitting next to me on the waiting area. We started to talk and it came naturally (not like the usual awkward airport conversations). We started to board. She had recently moved to Oregon and commented on the fact she moves around a lot, I confessed I could relate. "Where are you sitting?", I asked her. "Sit 11a"... no way!!
Long story shorter, she asked me why I moved around so much... answer: "I'm a missionary". We talked a bit more then she asked: "So WHAT do you do, like, what's your job description?" He, he, he :) This is how it all began. "Well, I am a Christian. I have commited my life to God and I do whatever He tells me to do." I then went to speak about God and how He speaks to me. "What do you mean God speaks to you?? How?!" She was hungry, thirsty and ready to receive the truth.
The next four hours of the flight were spent sharing about God coming to earth and dying for us so that we might have a life with Him. I answered her questions and explained about sin, repentance, following Jesus, and life of santification. It was wonderful, she didn't have a clue about any of this things... she didn't know about Jesus, being crucified and dying for us all. As I told her all of this her eyes were getting biggere and bigger: "He died for all of us??!!"
Towards the end of our conversation she looked straight ahead, started to nod her head and speak to herself: "I like that... I want that... (big smile) I'm gonna do that, I'm gonna commit my life to God!" Yay, praise the Lord. "Before I met you I never wanted to know anything about religion but the way you talk about God is as if He were right here... He is like your friend... you talk to Him and about Him like a real person... it's amazing! I think God made you miss those two flights so that you could talk to me! I had started to doubt there was even a God and now I've met you... and what are the chances we end up sitting by each other? Something at the gate draw me to you, and I felt like I had to talk to you... I never talk to ppl at airports. This had to be God."
That plane ride was probably the quickest 4 hours of my life... for her too. We were sad to see each other go but we exchanged e-mails. Pray that God will continue to put ppl in her path to disciple her. She doesn't go to church or anything, so for this seed to grow and mature to bear fruit it'll take a miracle. And a miracle WILL take place because God is the one that has brought her to life and will see her through, so keep her in your prayers.
Thank you for your prayers for me, they continually impact my life and the life of those around me ;o)
God bless you!!!!!!! and Happy Thanksgiving!
(PS- my checked-in bags got in ok :) )
*Names have been changed for privacy purposes