Friday, 20 November 2009

3 Tacos, 2 Horchatas, and 5 Quesatortas later...

My time in Mexico is about to expire. It has been an amazing time and it is hard to believe how fast it has gone.

So the big question going around is: "what are you going to do next?!"


December 17th I'll go back East to spend Christmas with my family in Washington DC. I'll be there until January 12th

Then what?....... ENGLAND!!!!!!!

After much prayer and supplication, God has impressed upon my heart to go back to England for five weeks as the next step.

If you know me at all you know I want to move there for a long-er term but it seems like that won't happen right away. I must wait a bit longer. As of right now, the plan is to travel around England getting in touch with different people and involved with different ministries to see if God opens any doors.

Two things are for certain: 1. I am called to teach/preach the truth 2. I can't get England out of my mind/heart

Prayer Request:

-Open doors and favor before ministry leaders.

-Divine appointments with people in the streets

-Great time seeing friends again

-I want to minister, minister, minister so pray for God's Holy Spirit to give me the power to do so.

-And for God to give me the financial resources for all expenses (which is mainly train/bus tickets and food money)

Thank you so much for your love and support! The work of the ministry is great and I am so glad to labor by your side- encouraging and praying for one another.


Is there something more beautiful than love? It is selfless regard, wholly abandonment.

Will there ever be something more powerful or pure than the Lord of the Universe coming down and dying a gruesome death so that I may have life?

Could there be? Could there exist something more breath-taking or majestic than the love which cascades down from heaven upon all those who believe in the Son?

Can I be refreshed by any other means but through the incredible force of the springs of Living Waters that cleanse me from all unrighteousness and quenches the deepest desires of my soul?

Is there a fragrance more intoxicating than that of my Lord Jesus Christ?

It is to Him that that I pledge my allegiance, my life, my love, my soul, my ALL...

I belong to You, You alone--

The Talk

"'As for Me', says the Lord, 'this is My covenant with them: My Spirit who is upon you, and My words which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your descendants, nor from the mouth of your descendants' descendants', says the Lord, 'from this time and forevermore.'"

This is a Scripture I will know to be sure until that glorious day when I'll see my Love, my God, face to face.

As you know I got the opportunity to speak a discipleship school at one of the local churches. It was a great time of sharing who God is, what He has done for us and what kind of relationship He wants to have with us. All but one of the people in the class were older than me yet God gave me complete peace and security in Him; and, as you and I prayed, He was the one to bring the message to them. By the end of the class they were all so excited about this life with God that He has designed us to have that they could barely stay seated.

But the most humbling part of t all was when a man who could be my father said to me: 'You are half my age but today you have taught me something about God I did not know, you've revealed something new about His character I never thought about before.'

"Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you..." (Is 60:1-2)

My response? "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for He has been mindful of the humble state of His servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me- holy is His name." (Lk 1:46-49)

How amazing and humbling it is to be part of God's plan, to partake in His kingdom. Can we do anything else but serve Him and love Him after all that He has given to us? Can my heart do anything else but long after Him, to know Him more and more? Could anyone really contain, restrain, themselves from drawing near once they have seen the goodness of the Lord of lords and King of kings?

Monday, 2 November 2009

'The Call' (cheesy as it may sound)

On Friday, last week, God confronted me- in His lovingkindness- about my unbelief; specifically when it comes to 'my calling'. You see, over the past 10 years (really all through my lifetime) God has given me verses and spoken thing over me that are much to great for me to undrstand. I don't talk much about them because I didn't see how they could happen. Some of them, though, have already been partially fulfilled. The Scriptures talk about being a light to nations, peoples and kings; it speaks about having many children; about people seeking me out because of the Lord's glory; about speaking up and speaking out God's truth; and on it goes.

On that Friday God callenged me to speak them out loud and declare them as truth. I simply couldn't. Finally He spoke to me, He got His face very close to mine- like lovers do when they whisper secrets to each other or try to comfort one another- and asked, 'Do you believe Me?' I gasped. I don't, I didn't, not until that time when He shone His light and love in my heart and revealed the secrets of it, the hidden doubts. It was then I understood that He has always been by my side, that He has presented me with oportunities I have just been to scared to walk into, to timid to grab a hold of... but not anymore. If I want to be bold and grab a hold of that for which Christ Jesus has grabbed a hold of me (phil 3:12) then I must be courageous and step out: 'the kingdom of heaven suffers violance and the violent take it by force' (mt 11:12).

I met up with a friend of mine who is an associate pastor in one of the local churches, who had offred me opportunities to share at several grouos before but I had decline. I spoke with him and related what God had shared with me earlier. Since then I've gotten the opportunity to share at a discipleship school on the subject of God's character and how should it impact our lives; and share my testimony at a young adults group that I've started to attend. God is good! Answers to prayers all around in less than 24 hours... what a God we serve! :o)