Sunday, 20 December 2009

The End of an Era

Good bye Mexico, it's been fun!

I left Mexico 5 days ago... I will miss my little man A LOT! The love Tim and Ruth have shown me is irreplaceable... they are truly dear friends of mine. I don't think I've ever met so generous, open and loving people as them two. They are a role model to me.

Please pray for them, for us, that God would comfort us through this season of transition and change. Pray for them that God would make this a special Christmas even as they are away from home. They will be leaving on their outreach to southern Mexico on Christmas Eve and the next 2 months will be hectic, traveling long hours and not staying in one place for more than a few days. Pray for Ezekiel to supernaturally adapt at the inconsistency of the situation and for God to reveal Himself to him at this young age.

Have it ALL

Funny thing happened on Friday last week, my bag disappeared from the top of my bed... most likely stolen... In it were my new pajamas, my toiletries, some earrings I really liked, cel phone charger, my Bible and my journal... Nothing of worldly value.

When I realized it was gone for sure (meaning someone hadn't moved it to another place within the room, etc, etc) nothing more than a sense of inconvenience entered my heart. I had no feeling of real lost. I praised God that, if in fact someone had stolen it with mean intent, He had blinded their eyes to see my purse which contained my passport and identifications in it.

I think I was even happy when I-through this test- found out how little hold material things had on my heart. Sure nothing of worldly value was in it but my Bible and journal are to me my most precious possessions. It was my first English Bible, I've had it since March 2003- it was falling apart, lol. And my journal because of all the great lessons God had taught me this past five months...

The next day God brought to mind one of my favorite quotes by AW Tozer:

"The man that has God for His treasure has all things in One. Many ordinary treasures may be denied him or if he is allowed to have them, the enjoyment of them will be so tempered, that they will never be necessary to his happiness. Or if he must see them go, one after one, he will scarcely feel a sense of loss, for having the Source of all things he has in One all satisfaction, all pleasure, all delight. Whatever he may lose he has actually lost nothing for he now has it all in One, and he has it purely, legitimately, and forever." (The Pursuit of God)

The glorious thing is that only an hour before I found out the bag was missing for good God had spoken to me and showed me how much of His word He has already written upon my heart. Also when I knew there was only a slim chance my journal would show up, I found out that all the lessons were still fresh on my mind. That the past 5 months God has dug so deep in my heart there is nothing that was really taken away from me.

So there you have it my friends, GOD IS GOOD!!! His work is everlasting!

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth or rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal." Matthew 6:19-20

Sunday, 13 December 2009

Did you know?

Thursday I went up to San Diego and spoke at the Young Adults Group from one of the local churches. I spoke about God's goodness in the light of the Messiah as highlighted in Isaiah 53 and Romans 8:32,34. At the end of the night, when we were hanging out, I spoke to a lot of the people and heard how God had encoureged them through the Word and even confirmed things to them. I prayed with some of them. I always love to hear how God is glorifying Himself in the lives of other people.

Later on the night as I meditated even more about the goodness of God, the Word that He had given for the night, and really just how much He loves us- clearly portraid in the cross, I thought about why He did it. I know through Scriptures that He has done it to glorify Himself but what I hadn't realize, and what came like a flashing lightning in my spirit, clarifying every thought is that God CHOSE to glorify Himself through loving us.

You see, sometimes when we say God's love glorifies His name we think (deep down) that God is being self-centered; that really the only reason why He loves us is so He can get something out of it. We think He didn't really have an option, He must glorify Himself. But the truth is God never had to love us to start with. Think about it. Think all the way back to the garden of Eden. Adam and Eve sinned. God had two options:

Option 1. He could glorify Himself by wiping them two off the planet, sending them to hell... He would have been glorified because He would have done a righteous thing, He IS a holy God who cannot tolarate sin and MUST as a righteous Judge punish it.

Option 2. He could sacrifice Himself. Stand in the gap and suffer excruciating, unimanigable pain... pain that us as human beings could never survive... He could give Himself to experience all the punishment that was RIGHTLY ours SO THAT we could experience life with Him eternally. He could give it all so that we could have it all forever, we that deserved nothing.

Both of this would have given glory to God and exalted Him to the highest. God didn't really gain anything more whether He had gone with either option. He would had still been God, beautiful and mighty, holy and righteous, good and just, Creator of all things.


How interesting that God chose the thing that would benefit us the most. That He would choose to glorify Himself in a way that not only declared Him as Almighty God, King of kings and Lord of lords but that would also be advantageous for us. Can you wrap your mind around that? That God chose the road that made Him suffer the most and offered YOU the opportunity to get something out of it. And not just SOME-thing but EVERY-thing....

Conclusion: He really DOES CARE.

Don't doubt Him. Walk confidently and be strengthen in the knowledge that God is for you not against you. Be bold in working out your own salvation knowing that God's desire is for you to have life.

"He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?" Romans 8:32

Have blessed day today :)

Friday, 11 December 2009

Popcorn Season

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart..." Proverbs 3:5

sigh with a slight whimper, broken heart...

"Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid..." John 14:27

"The Lord your God is with you wherever you go..." Joshua 1:9

5 days til the Mexico chapter of the book is closed...

I will miss my little man, I love him so much- his smile, his laugh, all the clever things he says...

..."Trust in the Lord...and feed on His faithfulness..." Psalm 37:3

Leaving always hurts, it doesn't matter how many times I've done it... Dad, it hurts...

"But to you who fear My name the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings..." Mal 4:2

"The Lord IS my Shepherd... He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul..." Psalm 23:1-3

sigh of comfort...

the Lord is my Shepherd, He will take care of me :)

Thank you for what You do, O God, Lord Almighty. I will give You praises with all that I am for You are good and Your faithfulness is forever. You give strength to my soul and comfort my spirit. You have poured Your grace in my heart and my whole being rejoices. How gracious are Your words! You are the gladness of my heart! :oD

"Sing praise to the Lord, you saints of His, and give thanks at the remembrance of His Holy name. For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning." Psalm 30:4-5

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

"It is Zion for whom no one cares" Jer 30:17

"...You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, and give Him no rest till He establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth." Isaiah 62:6b-7

I do not know of many other more powerful and clear statement about God's heart for the Israelites, or of more clear a command for those who claim to be well acquainted with the Giver of Life, Creator of the Universe, God Almighty...

I have been presented with an amazing opportunity to go to Israel in September, to participate in a Convocation dedicated to intercede. People from all the nations come to the convocation to pray for Israel and all the nations.

"And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles."

Zech 14:16

I will be going with a group of people from England composed of individuals from different churches. Our traveling dates are Sept 6th through the 22nd.

Please keep me in your prayers, that God would be preparing me, even now:

-physically: Keep me healthy before during and after the trip (no jet lag or exhaustion),

-spiritually: It is a schedule packed with worship, A LOT OF INTERCESSORY PRAYER and

listening to testimonies of what God is doing in the nations of the world. I need

spiritual stamina and a soft heart to listen to His leading, specially in prayer.

-emotionally: If you've ever done any sort of focused Christian work you know that emotions can

all of the sudden go haywire as part of the spiritual warfare, specially the thought

life. Pray against that.

Thank you so much for your prayers... There are even MORE trips that I will be taking this Fall [Autumn as my British friends prefer to say ;-)] I will post info about that later on...

7 Days

7 days left

shorter breaths

the road is getting narrower

God is good

Someone once called me a 'wonder junkie'... he was right... heck yes! I am addicted to God.... How can anyone who has seen and tasted that the Lord is good ever walk away? It is impossible!

I desire to know Him more, to love Him more, to experience Him more, to find out everything about Him... I want to abide [dwell in the midst of, be held, kept continually] in Him.... be one with Him...

Anyone that has ever seen God knows: He is wonderful- full of wonder... and my chest becomes still, I feel as if frozen in time. I do not speak, I don't even blink, I just look... I behold, I take Him in, I gaze upon Him who was pierced and then I know:

"...Narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." Matthew 7:14

God, give me the strength... give me the faith... grant me a grateful heart that rejoices in all of Your ways at all times :)

"...Though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me..." Psalm 23:4

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Attention Passangers...

It was 8am on Saturday morning and I had just been inform I'd missed my flight for the second time... I had forgotten how stressful it was to fly close to the holidays. Everything that could have gone wrong went wrong, it was ridiculous all the little details that had happened to keep my from boarding 1. my 6:20am flight and 2. my 8am flight... seriously felt like a supernatural force keeping me from boarding those planes. I wasn't as frustrated as I would have expected to be. All I kept thinking was: "Are you serious God? What is going on?!"
I got on Skype to ask ppl to pray, I didn't even know if I would ever see my checked-in luggage again (yeap that was one of the things that went wrong- unsure if it had been checked-in properly)... I found a friend online and I told him about my day so far... the bottom line of the conversation was: "Maybe God wants you to meet someone"... He must be a prophet ;)
"Surely you shall call a people you do not know, and peoples who do not know you shall run to you, because of the Lord your God, and the Holy one of Israel; for has glorified you." Isaiah 55:5
The name of my divine appointment is Kelsey*. She was standing by the front desk when they called my name to give me a sit on what was my third attempt to board a plane that day. Yeap it looked like I was finally going back west. Group number 5, Seat 11b. "Excuse me", I said, "are they boarding group 5 yet?" "No", came her reply, and I notice she was also in group 5. I went away to sit down only to notice she had followed me and was now sitting next to me on the waiting area. We started to talk and it came naturally (not like the usual awkward airport conversations). We started to board. She had recently moved to Oregon and commented on the fact she moves around a lot, I confessed I could relate. "Where are you sitting?", I asked her. "Sit 11a"... no way!!
Long story shorter, she asked me why I moved around so much... answer: "I'm a missionary". We talked a bit more then she asked: "So WHAT do you do, like, what's your job description?" He, he, he :) This is how it all began. "Well, I am a Christian. I have commited my life to God and I do whatever He tells me to do." I then went to speak about God and how He speaks to me. "What do you mean God speaks to you?? How?!" She was hungry, thirsty and ready to receive the truth.
The next four hours of the flight were spent sharing about God coming to earth and dying for us so that we might have a life with Him. I answered her questions and explained about sin, repentance, following Jesus, and life of santification. It was wonderful, she didn't have a clue about any of this things... she didn't know about Jesus, being crucified and dying for us all. As I told her all of this her eyes were getting biggere and bigger: "He died for all of us??!!"
Towards the end of our conversation she looked straight ahead, started to nod her head and speak to herself: "I like that... I want that... (big smile) I'm gonna do that, I'm gonna commit my life to God!" Yay, praise the Lord. "Before I met you I never wanted to know anything about religion but the way you talk about God is as if He were right here... He is like your friend... you talk to Him and about Him like a real person... it's amazing! I think God made you miss those two flights so that you could talk to me! I had started to doubt there was even a God and now I've met you... and what are the chances we end up sitting by each other? Something at the gate draw me to you, and I felt like I had to talk to you... I never talk to ppl at airports. This had to be God."
That plane ride was probably the quickest 4 hours of my life... for her too. We were sad to see each other go but we exchanged e-mails. Pray that God will continue to put ppl in her path to disciple her. She doesn't go to church or anything, so for this seed to grow and mature to bear fruit it'll take a miracle. And a miracle WILL take place because God is the one that has brought her to life and will see her through, so keep her in your prayers.
Thank you for your prayers for me, they continually impact my life and the life of those around me ;o)
God bless you!!!!!!! and Happy Thanksgiving!
(PS- my checked-in bags got in ok :) )
*Names have been changed for privacy purposes

Friday, 20 November 2009

3 Tacos, 2 Horchatas, and 5 Quesatortas later...

My time in Mexico is about to expire. It has been an amazing time and it is hard to believe how fast it has gone.

So the big question going around is: "what are you going to do next?!"


December 17th I'll go back East to spend Christmas with my family in Washington DC. I'll be there until January 12th

Then what?....... ENGLAND!!!!!!!

After much prayer and supplication, God has impressed upon my heart to go back to England for five weeks as the next step.

If you know me at all you know I want to move there for a long-er term but it seems like that won't happen right away. I must wait a bit longer. As of right now, the plan is to travel around England getting in touch with different people and involved with different ministries to see if God opens any doors.

Two things are for certain: 1. I am called to teach/preach the truth 2. I can't get England out of my mind/heart

Prayer Request:

-Open doors and favor before ministry leaders.

-Divine appointments with people in the streets

-Great time seeing friends again

-I want to minister, minister, minister so pray for God's Holy Spirit to give me the power to do so.

-And for God to give me the financial resources for all expenses (which is mainly train/bus tickets and food money)

Thank you so much for your love and support! The work of the ministry is great and I am so glad to labor by your side- encouraging and praying for one another.


Is there something more beautiful than love? It is selfless regard, wholly abandonment.

Will there ever be something more powerful or pure than the Lord of the Universe coming down and dying a gruesome death so that I may have life?

Could there be? Could there exist something more breath-taking or majestic than the love which cascades down from heaven upon all those who believe in the Son?

Can I be refreshed by any other means but through the incredible force of the springs of Living Waters that cleanse me from all unrighteousness and quenches the deepest desires of my soul?

Is there a fragrance more intoxicating than that of my Lord Jesus Christ?

It is to Him that that I pledge my allegiance, my life, my love, my soul, my ALL...

I belong to You, You alone--

The Talk

"'As for Me', says the Lord, 'this is My covenant with them: My Spirit who is upon you, and My words which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your descendants, nor from the mouth of your descendants' descendants', says the Lord, 'from this time and forevermore.'"

This is a Scripture I will know to be sure until that glorious day when I'll see my Love, my God, face to face.

As you know I got the opportunity to speak a discipleship school at one of the local churches. It was a great time of sharing who God is, what He has done for us and what kind of relationship He wants to have with us. All but one of the people in the class were older than me yet God gave me complete peace and security in Him; and, as you and I prayed, He was the one to bring the message to them. By the end of the class they were all so excited about this life with God that He has designed us to have that they could barely stay seated.

But the most humbling part of t all was when a man who could be my father said to me: 'You are half my age but today you have taught me something about God I did not know, you've revealed something new about His character I never thought about before.'

"Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you..." (Is 60:1-2)

My response? "My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for He has been mindful of the humble state of His servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me- holy is His name." (Lk 1:46-49)

How amazing and humbling it is to be part of God's plan, to partake in His kingdom. Can we do anything else but serve Him and love Him after all that He has given to us? Can my heart do anything else but long after Him, to know Him more and more? Could anyone really contain, restrain, themselves from drawing near once they have seen the goodness of the Lord of lords and King of kings?

Monday, 2 November 2009

'The Call' (cheesy as it may sound)

On Friday, last week, God confronted me- in His lovingkindness- about my unbelief; specifically when it comes to 'my calling'. You see, over the past 10 years (really all through my lifetime) God has given me verses and spoken thing over me that are much to great for me to undrstand. I don't talk much about them because I didn't see how they could happen. Some of them, though, have already been partially fulfilled. The Scriptures talk about being a light to nations, peoples and kings; it speaks about having many children; about people seeking me out because of the Lord's glory; about speaking up and speaking out God's truth; and on it goes.

On that Friday God callenged me to speak them out loud and declare them as truth. I simply couldn't. Finally He spoke to me, He got His face very close to mine- like lovers do when they whisper secrets to each other or try to comfort one another- and asked, 'Do you believe Me?' I gasped. I don't, I didn't, not until that time when He shone His light and love in my heart and revealed the secrets of it, the hidden doubts. It was then I understood that He has always been by my side, that He has presented me with oportunities I have just been to scared to walk into, to timid to grab a hold of... but not anymore. If I want to be bold and grab a hold of that for which Christ Jesus has grabbed a hold of me (phil 3:12) then I must be courageous and step out: 'the kingdom of heaven suffers violance and the violent take it by force' (mt 11:12).

I met up with a friend of mine who is an associate pastor in one of the local churches, who had offred me opportunities to share at several grouos before but I had decline. I spoke with him and related what God had shared with me earlier. Since then I've gotten the opportunity to share at a discipleship school on the subject of God's character and how should it impact our lives; and share my testimony at a young adults group that I've started to attend. God is good! Answers to prayers all around in less than 24 hours... what a God we serve! :o)

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

5 Minutes of Grace...

I was sitting down on that great big black couch at the worship hall- the kind which cushions seem to swallow you when you sit down and you feel all comfy- my face buried in my hands. I was meeting with God. "Boo!!"- I hear a child's laughter- "ha, ha, I saw your head jolt, I scared you," said Grace as she comes around and sits by me. "Yes you did Grace" came my response, "I was praying". "About what?" said she with an unashamed look on her face (got to love the boldness of a child). "Well, I was praying that God would help me sort my thoughts out... sometimes I have so much on my mind I don't know what the truth about anything is anymore so I need God to guide me." She looks up at me with her little five year old smile, "Yeah, I know what you mean..." Lol! I laughed within me: "what? how can a 5yr old know what I'm talking about?" Then I remenered the God whom I served... the God that I love.... the One who loved me first... and I realized God listens to every single word Grace says, not one of them falls on deaf ears- HE IS FAITHUL, CARING AND TRUE.

That's all I needed to know. God cares, and His grace is never ending. "Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever." 1 Chr 16:34

Sunday, 18 October 2009

A Walk Downtown

Went to the red light district again tonight.... this time it was for intercession. There was about 7 of us. There was a lot of darkeness. The deaf and dumb, The man in the red shirt, The Gadarene Woman, The righteous Drunkard, and The Blessed Two (the cutest, most lively, two elder, homeless, christian, men I've ever met), are some of the people we encountered.

The ones that impressed me the most were the last three.

One of the girls felt impressed on her heart to buy roses and pass them out to whomever. Just about everyone had a rose. As I looked at my rose, God reminded me of how beautiful and fragile He created women to be... I looked at the thorns and they reminded me of the times we have put up a front, a hard countenace as a defense mechanism to keep us 'safe'. I was also reminded of women in the Bible like Mary Magdalene and the adulterous woman, i thought about the woman at the well, how they all had one thing in common: a restored soul after meeting the Savior. As I thought about this things we had walked into the midst of the district, the darkness got even darker (yes, i'm talking about the spiritual realm). I was nervous. Who would God put in my heart to give this flower to? Would i have to say something? What would I say?! Then someone pointed her out to me. She was accross the street, in fornt of a night club/bar. She only had one leg. We started to walk in her direction... i still didn't know what to say. The girl walking with me offered the flower to her, from God. The woman became obviously uncomfortable, rejected the flower and said: 'I buried Christ a long time ago.' We pressed on a bit, my heart now burning, still unable to speak... i just looked at her and extended the flower to her- she turned and started to walk away. My friend urged me to walk away as well... I did, all the time looking back at her.

We stopped at the corner- 20 feet away from her. I turned back and walked up to her. I started to talk, mainly about what God had spoken to me about flowers and women... she started to talk back but this time she wasn't making any sense, it was incoherent. She asked me if I would give her the flower and I said sure... Then it happened... she started to tear it apart, not in a scandalous way, just quietly destroying it with her hands. She grabbed the petals, put them in her mouth, spat some of them out on the floor, the rest she smeared on her face and at that time I saw the devil in her eyes. Satan, laughing, showing me how he had enslaved this poor woman. He was destroying her, like she had just destroyed the flower in her hand.

I wished I could tell you I then proceeded to cast out the demon(s) out of her, but I didn't. My friend had come back to us, the woman said she was hungry and wanted some black coffee. My friend bought her some, the woman continue to speak incoherently and I just stared at her. My friend came back, gave the coffee to her and gently hurried me to walk away. As we did I was reminded of the man Jesus encountered in the region of the Gadarenes who had a Legion of demons in him...

So then what? why do I share this particular story with you instead of the one about the two nice homeless men we met toward the end of our walk? Because this is why I need your prayer!! There is real evil stuff happening here and only the power of Christ can set these people free. Only the Holy Spirit can work in them to bring them to a new life in Christ and, like the Gadarene man, set their minds and souls right, free from the bondage of sin and alive in Jesus to love God with all their being.

Monday, 12 October 2009

Homes of Hope- 10/10/09

The Colony
Today I got the oportunity to go to one of the colonies and help build a house for a family that was living in a shack made out of scrap wood... that is what Homes of Hope do. It is a ministry dedicated to provide homes free of charge to families that own land but are to poor to build a proper house for their loved ones.

The Family's Old House>
Teams from all over North America come and build the houses in two days time. I had the priviledge to help them by translating, painting and laying down shingles on the roof.

The Family :o) >
My favorite part of the whole day was getting to know the family and have them open up and share about their lives. The husband's smile getting increasingly bigger as the day went by and it was coming all together. They were so excited! The last thing to be finished was the roof and the expression on their face was one of "we don't care if its finished just give us the keys! We want our new house!!" They have two children (6 year old and a 1 year old) and one on the way who is due to be born in December. Pray for the wife as she has been very ill for two months now with a cough. She has no energy and has lost weight. She has been to the doctor and is waiting on test result to find out what is the problem.

"The Red Light"- 9/10/09

Tonight I got the oportunity to go to the red light district of Ensenada with the students from the base. Every friday night at 8pm they go to the downtown area and offer soup, bread and hot chocolate to anyone that would come as well as prayer. We sing songs about God, His love, and desire to have a relationship with us. It is mainly men who come, a lot of them are intoxicated or not of sound mind; most of them homeless. Needless to say it is a very dark and seemingly hopless enviroment which makes it the perfect place for God's glory, power, mercy and majesty to shine through, so keep it in your prayers.

I spoke with a few individuals: Susan*, Judith*, Ronaldo*. Here is part of their stories and how you can pray for them:

-Judith* just recently moved to Ensenada from Tijuana with her husband. They have the cutest 8 month old baby boy and no place to live.
-Ronaldo* is not of sound mind but has knowledge of the word (some of it is twisted, some of it is not). He was incoherent. He claims to be a christian but he also claims to be a drug dealer and smuggler (i'm not sure if any of those are actually true :-/). Pray that God would reveal Himself to him and heal his mind.
-Susan* has been living in Ensenada for 10 years. She has two children from two separate previous marriages: a 24 yr old girl and a 14 yr old boy- they both live in different part of Mexico. She and her husband live in a Motel but tonight they had just been kicked out because they didn't have the money for today.

I hope to go back to Bajio every other Friday and continue to build relationships with the people that go there. Pray for me, that God would empower me to preach good tidings to the poor; to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound.

**All names have been changed for privacy purpose.

Sunday, 20 September 2009

The Adventure Begins

Breakfast: 7:30am...Woo-hoo! :) Later on: walk about town. We found a delicious frozen yogurt place! We had fun in town while acquainting Tim and Ruth with the Latino culture and teaching them Spanish as we walked about. They love it.

Saturday, 19 September 2009

The Arrival

We got in around 11pm... but everyone on the base seem to be up still. They all came out to greet us at once and help us get our bags sorted in our rooms. I even went out for coffee later on with some of the staff to get better acquainted.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

A Taste of What is to Come

I was invited by a good friend of mine to visit Ensenada for a few days before I officially move to Mexico. On Tuesday he asked me if I would like to take the opportunity to teach on the subject of faith at a discipleship school that he leads at his church, 'Capilla Calvario Horizonte' (Horizon Calvary Chapel). It was an amazing time and God was the one doing all the talking :) ... At first I was very nerveous as I haven't taught in Spanish in a REALLY long time but, of course, God was faithful... on Sunday I went and bought a Spanish Bible, to help get ready. I was also part of an outreach held at the church to celebrate Mexico's independance day, which was a lot of fun and tons of people came from all over town. Juan Domingo, the pastor of the church, shared with me that from that outreach every year loads of relationships are formed and lots of people start coming to church as a result. It is an exciting time getting emotionally, mentally and spiritually prepared to move back into Latin America. Pray for me that I would know His will for my life in this new venture :o)

Monday, 17 August 2009

Before Now

"Exhort one another daily, while it is called 'Today,' lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin" Heb 3:13.

To All of You Out There, Somewhere:

God is directing me into new paths. At the beginning of this year, while in London, I met an English couple whose names are Tim and Ruth- they also have a two year old son, Ezekiel. I met Tim through a Christian ministry called "XLP", who has been a staff member for 6 years in said ministry. When I met him he shared with me that he would be moving with his wife and kid to Ensenada, Mexico, in September of this year. I shared with him that I had been to Ensenada and what my experience had been. He was very encouraged and invited me to go to dinner at his house later on that week to meet his family. When I met Ruth it was as if we had been friends and known each other all our lives.

They invited me to stay with them for as long as I needed while I was in London so I lived with them for about three weeks. Through out this time they shared with me their heart for God's work and I asked them what were some of the needs they had so that I could pray for them specifically. One of the major prayer request was someone to move to Mexico with them for three months while they took language and other ministry related classes with the program they are doing with YWAM. As soon as they said it my heart leaped and God spoke to me that I was to go with them. I prayed about it and asked God for confirmation which He did and as soon as I shared it with them they were very excited. They had been praying that I would offer as well even in the short time they knew me! So I'm going to Ensenada! We move there on Sept 19th.

The Lord has promised a lot of growth, an outpouring of His Spirit and love so I am looking forward to see the marvelous works He has prepared. Pray for safe travels, fast adjustments for ALL of us (Tim & Ruth don't speak any Spanish) and supernatural strength that I would be a good support for them while taking care of Ezekiel. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your prayers and support, they make an impact in the world for His glory.

Your sister in Christ,